Christian music

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Honesty—the blessing of a transparent life!

If we are to experience God in revival, we must begin with getting honest before God about ourselves, our sin, and our need.

HONESTY BRINGS THE BLESSING OF FULL FORGIVENESS. Sins are forgiven, covered and are not imputed to one’s account or put on one’s ledger.” What a wonderful blessing to have the joy of having your sins fully forgiven! But it all begins with HONESTY.

HONESTY BRINGS THE BLESSING OF DECREASED DECEIT. When we are unwilling to deal with our sin, the spirit of deceit grows in our heart. The great blessing of getting honest about our sin is that we deal a continual “death-blow” to the spirit of deception and we begin to cultivate the value of INTEGRITY, or soundness throughout our daily lives.

HONESTY BRINGS THE BLESSING OF REMOVED CONVICTION. What happens when we are guilty but unwilling to be honest with God and others regarding our sin? We experience physical deterioration, emotional deterioration, and spiritual deterioration. Only through total honesty with God can we know the removed conviction from God.

HONESTY BRINGS THE BLESSING OF INTIMATE COUNSEL. God longs to give His counsel to us, but He is willing to entrust it only to those who are honest and open with Him. These can be counseled simply by God’s “eye” upon them.

So how do we go about getting honest with God? HONESTY IS DEVELOPED BY FULL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CONFESSION. Honesty’s transaction: I CONFESS = GOD FORGIVES. 1 John 1:9— 9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

Do you want the blessings of full forgiveness, decreased deceit, removed conviction, and intimate counsel? You must begin with transparent honesty. When we get honest with God we will experience God in revival.

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