Christian music

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


PRESS RELEASE from Mid-Atlantic Christian University
October 4, 2010

[We are saddened to confirm that one of our students, Jonathan Schipper, was fatally wounded Sunday by another student. We have very few details at this time, but it appears to be a personal matter between two students.  An investigation is in process and the university is cooperating with the police in the investigation. Any student, faculty and/or staff with any information regarding this incident is expected to cooperate fully.  

MACU is a faith-based institution of higher education that always strives to express love, forgiveness, and the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We are shocked and saddened that this incident has occurred on our campus.  The student who apparently did the shooting willingly submitted himself to police custody.  The safety and security of our students, staff, and faculty are always a priority.   

Jonathan was a sophomore at Mid-Atlantic Christian University in the Youth and Family Studies program. While a quiet individual he was well liked by his fellow students and had a passion for serving the Kingdom. Jonathan was from Havelock, NC.]  

Wow, shot to death on a Christian Campus—we can conclude that crimes do happen in what we often thought of as Godly places by Godly.

Why?  Weren't theses young men Christians?  Yes, they were both Godly young men!  Since, I do not know the whole story I can only assume that this a result harboring aches and pains in the hearts and I base the rest of my blog on that assumption. 

Bitterness—the more we keep it, the longer we become its prisoner. We then become controlled by it, doing what it wants us to do in which we can control if we let go of it.

Hebrews 12:14-15—14Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord. 15Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.

Bitterness is one of the most crushing mental problems in a person's life. When a Christian is bitter, there is a loss of close fellowship with the Lord and a hindrance in one's relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Bitterness causes a loss of many of the blessings of the normal Christian life, including emotional stability, peace, and joy. And bitterness results in the loss of production of good works, which are a major source of blessing and reward in the plan of God.

Bitterness is a devastating mental attitude sin, and it triggers a wide range of other sins, such as hatred, cruelty, antagonism, self-pity, unteachable spirit, vindictiveness and desires for revenge, and prideful ambition.

Bitterness is neither consistent nor rational. A bitter person is his own worst enemy. It is very difficult to maintain any kind of relationship with a chronically bitter person; and bitterness is a major contributing cause of relational problems.

This incident should help us to make every effort to help our youth let go the pain brought on by bullying, the offense of sin against them, the regret of their own sin, and the arrogance of prideful ambition. 

Here are three things to talk with them about:

1. Instead of focusing on our own desires or dwelling on what others do, depend on God’s forgiveness, wisdom, power, and love, as we seek to faithfully obey his commands and maintain a loving, merciful, and forgiving attitude.

2. Instead of blaming others for a conflict or resisting correction, trust in God's mercy and take responsibility for your own contribution to conflicts—confessing our sins to those we have wronged, asking God to help us change any attitudes and habits that lead to conflict, and seeking to repair any harm we have caused.

3. Instead of pretending that conflict doesn't exist or talking about others behind their backs, overlook minor offenses or talk personally and graciously with those whose offenses seem too serious to overlook, seeking to restore them rather than condemn them.

May God bless the families and friends of these young men, the students at Mid-Atlantic Christian University, and all our young students on Christian and Secular Campus and local schools.


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