Christian music

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It may only take a spark to get a fire going, but it takes a focused effort to keep a fire going. A fire, left to itself, usually dies out. A fire stoked and nurtured can burn as long as necessary. There are several ways to keep the fire burning. One way is to surround yourself with the right people. 

John Maxwell notes the difference between firelighters and firefighters. Firelighters go out of their way to help you keep the fire hot. Firefighters go out of their way to throw cold water on you. As a Christian, it is impossible to avoid firefighters; they often sit in another pew. You can't avoid them, but you can learn to deflect their influence. 

Identify the firelighters and firefighters. Distance yourself, as much as is possible, from those who walk through life with buckets of cold water. 

Choose, instead, to put yourself in company with those whose words and actions are natural kindling for the fire God has given you.

Keep the fire burning,


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